
Revealed Subject's Insight Into The Process

Nicole Purcell recently wrote a blog on dlife about her experience as a This I Believe REVEALED subject.  Her entry may be found here in their blogabetes section.  She writes about her thought process on what to put in her REVEALED box and as she says, "how diabetes has informed my "spiritual experience"."

"I was also surprised at how I felt during the session.    I was thinking through the challenges of balance, and wondering if, in the case of managing diabetes and weighing it against one’s spiritual existence, a perfect balance isn’t exactly perfect.  I struggled." Nicole Purcell wrote.

I always enjoy hearing about how a subject connects with themselves, REVEALED and even myself.  Their experience with REVEALED is different than mine and both of our experiences can be very powerful with a strong connection as we are collaborating together to "reveal" themselves.  I learn so much about myself from these connections.  Reading her essay brought tears to my eyes.  I am very grateful to hear about these experiences and also being part of them.

Visit her blog entry about the experience and enjoy.